Last updated
Last updated
If you don't run with sudo results will vary.
OS detection, Version detection, script scanning
Find dns server in a network:
Clean output of dns server
Will scan specifed port
T: TCP only
U: UDP only
Can do a range and protocol specification:
nmap <ip> -p T:22,U:4000
-sP or -sn
No port scan
no ping / no host discovery
use the list of targets instead of dicovery
Enables traceroute functionality
The lower the slower T5 means you don't care if you set off alarms
T0 makes 1 request ~5 minutes
perform the serice detection
TCP Connect
Completes 3 way handshake
UDP Scan
Enables OS Detection
-oG -
Makes the nmap output 'grepable'
Allows you to specify the scripts