Lab 9.1: Exploit Gloin

Deliverable 1. Provide the Following Information to include commands and screenshots. Create a tech journal page that covers the following.

  • Target IP Address
  • Open Ports

  • Discovered Vulnerability

Found that Online Entrance Exam System has an sql vulnerability,username||%27;%27||password,3,4,5,6,7+FROM+admin_list;

Line above will dump admin hash

Peer told me to use CrackStation for this step

  • How you achieved a foothold

I found the exploit for Online Entrance Exam System by using searchsploit and finding a mysql exploit then looking at exploit db and reading what was there.

  • How you achieved root/Administrative level compromise

I cracked the hash for the admin user and then sshed into the machine using administrator as the user because it’s a windows machine.

  • User Flag

  • Root Flag


I didn't have much trouble with this lab I was very thankful for my peer who told me to use CrackStation instead of trying to other tools. It made this process a lot easier. I did find it very fun to not have much information and having to get a foothold on our own.

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