Active/Passive Reconnaissance

Goals of Recon

  • Network Information (IPs, CIDR, Domains)

  • Systems (Server Names/IPs)

  • Web Applications

  • Security Tools (Firewalls, IDS/IPs, Endpoint Security)

  • People (Leadership, Admins, Engineers, Developers, etc.)

  • Partners (Vendors, Hosting Providers)

Passive Reconnaissance

Mostly OSINT, Publicly available information



  • Domain Registration (contact names, addresses, nameserver info)

  • IP Addresses Registration

    • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) - Five regions

      • AfriNIC - Africa

      • APNIC - Asia/Pacific

      • ARIN - North America

      • LACNIC - Latin America and Caribbean

      • RIPE = Europe, Middle East, Central Asia

  • Google Dorking

    • Aka Google hacking

  • The Harvester

    • Command line tool to query multiple search engines

    • Included in Kali, but has had issues in the past

  • Netcraft

    • Provides technical reports on other websites

  • Metagoofil (Technically not Passive because you interact with the host but can give larger insight into the target)

    • Kali utility that is designed for extracting metadata from public documents

  • DNS

    • Nslookup and Dig are useful command line tools

    • Dnsrecon (included in kali) offers a streamlined approach to gathering data, however, pull down the latest version

    • MxToolbox

      • Find email services provider, DNS information, WhoIs information, and more

Active Reconnaissance

Interacting Directly with the the target - Needs Permission in going beyond public access


  • Nmap

    • Network scanner that can be found on kali

    • Can give you good guesses as to what targets are open to the public

    • If inside the network can help with finding services

      • This can/will set off many "alarms" depending on how the network is setup

  • Nikto Website scanner

    • Looks at it's database for vulnerabilities on web servers.

Last updated