Milestone 4 - pyVmomi

Deliverable 1. Figure out how to clone your course git repository. Open the base directory in visual studio code(1), and cover in your video demo a view similar to the one below that also shows a terminal with your mgmt1 IP address(2)

Deliverable 2. Demo your own interactive session with vcenter via pyvmomi. Print out an element of the aboutInfo object. Similar to the one below.

Requirement 1: Read your vmware username and vcenter hostname from a file.

Requirement 2: Provide data from your current pyvmomi session. This must include DOMAIN/username, vcenter server and your source IP address. Update: Pull the domain/username and source ip from the connection information and vcenter_server can be the variable you read from your configuration file. See the following video for debugging advice.

Requirement 3: Create a search function that filters all vms in vcenter by name. If no filter is added, return all VMs

How this works is the the first if statement under the for loop is looking for the type of the object if the type is a folder it drops into another for loop to check for vms in that folder.

Requirement 4: For each VM returned, provide the following meta-data VM Name Power State Number of CPUs Memory in GB IP Address (don't forget to add vmware tools to pf and any other "on" system that does not have an IP address returned.

Both of the else statements are made to print out just all vms.

Deliverable 4: Tech Journaling - Technical (Demo) Briefly demonstrate your documentation and code for this milestone. The demo provided allows us to easily navigate your journal's technical components. The journal is easy to read, there are screenshots where appropriate and formatted commands when it would be useful to copy paste. You link to repository content rather than formatting lengthy commands in markdown. Content that is suitable to multiple courses should be elevated and linked to rather than hidden in your course specific wiki.

Deliverable 5: Tech Journaling - Reflection (Demo) You discuss the task in general terms and you highlight where you went off course, where you burned time and any breakthroughs you had.

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