Milestone 2 - AD and vCenter
Last updated
Last updated
Enable SSH
SSH into ESXI from mgmt1 and go into vmfs/volumes
The navigate into datastore2-super6/ISO
Now wget SERVER 19 I already had vCenter ISO in my data store so I didn’t need to get that
Make Server 19 vm
Installing Server 19
Custom install then select
One you reach this screen press control+shift+f3 to enter audit mode
Open powershell and type sconfig
Press 5 to set update pattern for windows and set them to manual once done. Then press 9 and set to eastern. After that press 6 and download updates. Now restart the machine and install vmware tools
Then do typical install
Next grab the sysprep script
wget -OutFile windows-prep.ps1
Take Base snapshot
Name the snapshot base
Installing ADDS: Change the network adapter to 350-Internal
Set Admin passwd
Configure network
Rename Computer (Do this before forest install)
Get-WindowsFeature - Will show all windows features are installed and can be installed
Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
To view see available module commands you can run
Get-Command -Module ADDSDeployment
Install Forest:
The machine will reboot after this
Showing domain is working
New Domain Admin User:
$pw = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter a Password for this user' -AsSecureString
New-ADUser -Name paul-adm -AccountPassword $pw -Passwordneverexpires $true -Enabled $true
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Members paul-adm
Install DNS:
Get-WindowsFeature | where {($ -like “DNS”)}
Install-WindowsFeature DNS -IncludeManagementTools
Reverse DNS Zone Creation:
Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -NetworkId “” -ReplicationScope “Domain”
Create A type with PTR:
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordPtr -Name "FW01-paul" -ZoneName "paul.local" -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address “” -TimeToLive 01:00:00 -CreatePtr
Add iso to mgmt box
Cd into media and go to the VMware VCSA directory then make your way to the installer
Stage 1:
Click yes on ssl warning
Leave all default but select “Enable Thin Disk Mode”
Add how to add datacenter
Add how to add host
Finish rest of steps
Join Domain:
After this reboot vcenter it will die for about 20 minutes…
Set Domain as default
Now add domain admins to the administrators group