Lab 6.0: Server Core & Remote Administrator Tools



  1. Configure the networking

    • vCenter - make lan

    • Vmware - VMNet 5 for 10.0.5.X network

  2. Configure systems using sconfig

  3. Install Remote Server Administration Tools on AD

  4. Add Core Server to All Servers

  5. Add Roles and Features to the Core Server and select File Server Resource Manager

  6. On Core Server run netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote File Server Resource Manager Management" new enable=yes

  7. Under File and Storage Services select Shares

  8. Create New Share...

  9. click this through menu and select and Core Server

  10. if needed change the Share tab to have the group you want to see it


  • sconfig - On the Core Server this lets you configure the system

  • netsh - stands for network shell

    • netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote File Server Resource Manager Management" new enable=yes - This allows AD File Resource Manager through the firewall


How to map a drive

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