Assignment 3.0: Securing SSH


This assignment went extremely well the only problem I had was a lot of the guides had different ways to restart the sshd service so it was tricky to find which one work.


  1. vi /etc/shh/sshd_config

  2. Go to the line that says #PermitRootLogin yes

  3. Get rid of the # and turn yes to no

    • end result PermitRootLogin no

  4. Write and Quit

  5. service sshd restart

  6. Now root won't be able to ssh


  1. Root uid is 0

  2. First user uid is 1000

  3. uids 999(polkitd), 998(libstoragemgmt), 997(chrony)

    • polkitd is a system wide privilege controller

    • libstoragemgmt A library for storage management (API)

    • chrony Netowrk Time Protocol (NTP) uses port 323

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