Milestone 5

Milestone 5: 480-utils.psm1

Setup Module:

Enter your git repo location

mkdir modules
cd modules
mkdir <Name>-utils
cd <Name>-utils

In powershell:

New-ModuleManifest -Path .\<Name>.psd1 -Author 'Paul Gleason' -Company 'Company Here' -RootModule '<Name of Root Module>.psm1' -Description 'vsphere automation module for DevOps-480'
touch <Name>-utils.psm1
File Structure

Edit Path:

# Display current profile
# Change profile 
code $profile

Add lines below

$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSmodulePath + "<Location of Modules>"

Save and close editor and repon it

Import Module:

Import-Module '<module>' -Force

My Module + Driver:

Last updated