Lab 4.0: Ansible


This lab was very interesting I want to understand Ansible more thought because I feel I don't fully understand it.

Ansible Commands and Steps

  • sudo apt install ansible sshpass python3-paramiko - This installs all dependencies and ansible

  • Make user with the same passwork to be used as deployer

  • keygen -t rsa -C <user>

  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <user>@<host>

  • vi /etc/sudoers.d/sys265 - to look like the following | this allows a user to enter sudo without password

 <user>           ALL=(ALL)           NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Now create inventory.txt if applicable make this in a dir called ansible

<host_ip> or <hostname>
  • ansible all -m ping -i inventory.txt - This is an easy way to test if the inventory is setup right

  • ansible-galaxy install <package> -p <dir>/ - This is used to install packages for ansible

  • ansible-playbook -i invetory.txt <dir>/<path.yml>

My Playbook for java

  • ansible-galaxy install

- hosts: java
         - roles:

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