Regular Expression

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

Regular Expression Websites - Very nice and quick questions to learn more about regex

Basic Matching

Each symbol matches a single character

Character Classes

Escape Sequences

"­Esc­api­ng" is a way of treating characters which have a special meaning in regular expres­sions literally, rather than as special charac­ters. The escape character is usually \


Boundary characters are helpful in "anchoring" your pattern to some edge, but do not select any characters themselves

Example: \bcat\b finds a match in "the cat in the hat" but not in "locate"


By default quantifiers just apply to the one character. Use (...) to specify explicit quantifier "scope"


Example: \b(cat|dog)s\b matches cats and dogs.

Special Characters

The character {} [] ^ $ . | * + > \ (and - inside [...]) have special meaning in regex, so they must be "escaped" with \ to match them

Example: \. matches the period . and \\ matches the backslash \


Count your open parentheses ( from the left, starting with 1. Whatever is matched by parthesis number n can be refernced later by \n

Example: \b(\w+) \1\b matches two identical words with a space in between

Example 2: \b(\w+)er\b and replacing with more \1 will map "the taller man" -> "the more tall man" and "I am shorter" -> "I am more short"

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