Lab 3-1: AWS with CLI

Step 1 - Install AWS CLI

For this (and future) labs, you will need to AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) tools installed.

  1. Follow the steps to install AWS CLI version 2 for your appropriate OS at: to an external site.

  2. Run "aws --version" to verify installation

  3. Submit screenshot of aws --version output

Step 2 - Get Creds / Configure AWS CLI

Then - AWS CLI - Show. After you get this information copy and paste the following into ~/.aws/credentials. Add the line below to the file as well

region = us-east-1

Step 3 - Launch an AWS Instance

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0a3c3a20c09d6f377 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name Paul-360 --security-groups Paul-SG-360 --region us-east-1

--image-id = Amazon Linux ID

--key-name = Name of ssh key

--security-groups = Name of security group

--region = region you want the instance to be deployed

  1. Submit Screenshot showing that the Instance was started (Instance ID and Launch Time included)

Step 4 - Connect to Instance

To view instances

aws ec2 describe-instances

Get IP or DNS from decribes and now.

ssh -i Paul-360.pem ec2-user@

Step 5 - Terminate Your Instance

Take not of the "instance-id" in the describe.

aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids i-0cc56f2564da3e902

Submit - from the AWS Console - EC2 - Instances - Screenshot showing the terminated instance (you may need to refresh if it still shows running)

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