Lab 1-1: Accessing the AWS Sandbox
All of this lab was done in the cloud foundations course:
Access the sandbox environment in the Cloud Foundations Modules:
Then click start in the top right
In the terminal type "aws sts get-caller-identity" (This is an optional step)
You will get a loading screen. Once that goes away click "AWS"
Lauching an EC2 Instace:
You will then enter the EC2 screen click "Instances"
Now select "Launch Instance" in the top right. After that you will be brought to the launch instance page:
Create a new key pair: (But for this lab we're using the default vockey)
If you use .pem you can use the key with ssh in powershell
Download Keypair: (In workbench)
You can leave the rest default for this example and click "Launch instance" on the right
Now SSH into instance using key:
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